Personalized ritual and meditation guidance (60 minutes) $75
Home or Business Energy Clearing $75
‘Creating Sacred Space’ assistance/set up $75
Energy Healing Mentorship - $600
6 hours of one on one mentoring (can be split into separate sessions or one full day class)
Energy healing theory - the art of resonance and holding space
Hands on practice and instruction
Reiki I & II attunements
Incorporating sound & guided visualizations
Grounding exercises
Practitioner ethics & boundaries
Self-care for practitioners
Working with the Elements & Archetypal energies
Setting up your practice
Q: I see you offer ritual guidance and “creating sacred space” sessions? What are those about?
A: If you think about it, we all have rituals that we do every day. We brush our teeth, prepare food, take our dog for a walk, check that we locked the door at least twice each time we leave. But how many of our rituals are we consciously participating in? How much time do we spend intentionally interacting with the present moment and our inner creative vision? Rituals can easily become dogmatic, ungrounded and even obsessive compulsive if our intentions are coming from a space of unconscious fear or feeling a loss of control. When we approach rituals from a more integrated space they can be the most beautiful, grounding, and embodied healing experiences whether solo or within groups.
My personal approach and understanding of ritual is more about emotional healing and transmutation within the self, rather than a hyper focus on outward manifestation, although I am a believer that we do co-create our reality and have choices in the way we respond to life. When we use rituals to transform and release heavy emotions and root our prayers or intentions into our bodies by activating and engaging our senses, we are transforming our personal experience of reality, regardless of what is happening in the outside world. Working from the inside out, we create space within ourselves to be able to respond to the world with more awareness and to be more aligned with our intuition. As within, so without, as above, so below. I assist my clients in creating their own rituals using tools and practices that resonate with their bodies, hearts and minds to help them cultivate an empowered healing practice. I also teach them basic lunar phases and how to work with the natural elements.
Along with daily rituals, most people have some type of altar in their home or personal space as well. Some people put big screen TV’s or photos of their loved ones on their altars instead of crystals or tarot cards so you might not think about it as an altar, but it is! An altar is a dedicated place we share offerings, self-reflect, gather with loved ones, or admire items that hold great value to us. Just like using the art of ritual to engage the senses, altars are an amazing way to tune in and cultivate deep connection with yourself (and your Higher Power if you believe in one,) by carefully choosing items that symbolize important values, archetypes or characteristics to you. You can use plants, stones, photographs, statues, incense, candles, family heirlooms etc, - anything that creates an emotional or positive nervous system response inside of you when you meditate upon it. If you feel overwhelmed or don’t know how to set up a sacred space in your home, these sessions are great! I come over to help you assess the space you are working with, brainstorm ideas, chat about your intentions for the space, see what decor and sacred objects you are working with, and then we begin to nest and try to make the space and energy as comfy and energetically supportive as possible. One thing that is important to note is that while I’m happy to help tidy, brainstorm, move furniture, make shopping lists and nest, I do not create an altar for you, that is something that needs to be personal to you and your body in order for the space to hold power.