meaning of Lilith & lavender
If you research Lilith, you will find many versions of her myth. The archetype of Lilith often symbolizes aspects of our nature that have become wounded or suppressed due to societal conditioning and constructs. She also represents the “original woman” (a sexual force) freed from any distortions or patriarchal influence, fully embodying her power. At times she is depicted as a succubus, a mother of demons, banished from the Garden of Eden for refusing to be subservient to Adam. Yet other versions of her myth claim that she chose to leave the Garden in order to retain her power and maintain personal sovereignty. This serves to remind us that all people carry the power and potential to free themselves from toxic cultural and religious ideologies that stem from outdated conditioning and the beliefs which perpetuate suffering.
Her archetype also reminds us that no one is exempt from the human experiences of wounding, loss and grief. embodying our free will, we must make the decision to seek healing, as to not remain stuck in liminal spaces or cause unintended harm to ourselves or those around us.
Lavender represents the medicinal and healing qualities of grace, purity, devotion, and serenity. The scent of lavender encourages relaxation, calmness and healing.
The name Lilith & Lavender is meant to illustrate the dance between the light and shadow which is inherent within the nature of duality. I believe that through the practice of compassionate awareness, radical acceptance and embodiment, our greatest shadows and wounds can become reintegrated and transform into the gifts we share with the world.