Online breath workshop


In Chinese medicine it is believed that the lungs are where we store unprocessed grief. Witnessing the amount of suffering and anxiety taking place in the world, I can’t help but think about the symbolism of this pandemic.

But how do we even begin to process the amount of grief - both past and present - currently existing in our bodies and on this planet? How do we build up the emotional resilience needed to make it through these collective crises and cope with the unpredictable future of our species and the earth?

In order to be able to come up with creative solutions to adapt to the current earth changes as well as process and release heavy emotions, we have to provide our bodies with a safe container (a calm and resilient nervous system) otherwise we can easily become overwhelmed or completely numb and shut down when exposed to the suffering around us.

It should be obvious by now that there are no quick fixes for the challenges life brings us, both personally and collectively

- but -

we do have the power to use our breath and our voice to calm our nervous systems and create spaciousness within our own bodies, allowing us to stay more grounded and maintain more equanimity amidst the outer chaos.

I will be hosting an Online Breath Workshop as a way of offering support to those looking for practical somatic healing tools to help them process during this time.

This workshop will include:

  • an introduction to the basics of PolyVagal theory and the different functions of the nervous system states

  • a guided tantric elemental meditation

  • Guided instruction and the chance to practice a very powerful, but gentle breath work technique that helps to relax the body and rewire the nervous system

  • Recording of the workshop if you were unable to attend live!


When: tuesday, march 24, 2020 @ 5:30PM EST

Location: online via zoom

Investment: $15-25 sliding scale - (if you cannot afford the sliding scale price, please do not hesitate to sign up for free!)

Pre-registration is required - all payments are due at the time of booking to reserve your spot and can be paid through venmo to @mackenseyalexander or for paypal. You will receive an e-mail confirmation with the zoom link the day before the workshop.

How to prepare: Be sure to wear comfortable clothing, have a few pillows and blankets to build a cozy nest, and have plenty of water and journal close by!

reserve your spot today!