True healing requires us to connect deeply with the body in order to move through and hold space for the heaviness of the past and sometimes the present. We must acknowledge in some way what we’ve been carrying and most importantly, cultivate the ability to surrender, release and rebuild.
It’s a scary thing to surrender to any kind of death; the death of a loved one, a relationship, a spiritual path, a career, a self-identity, etc. As humans it’s natural to cling to what is “normal,” and we experience a death when we realize that what we thought was normal or “working,” perhaps never actually worked to begin with, but we were too distracted, wounded or naive to notice.
We see this bubbling up everywhere these days, not only in our personal spheres but also collectively. The climate changes, the racism, the intolerance, the mass shootings, the ICE camps, shouting to us “WAKE UP - THINGS NEED TO CHANGE,” and yet with the intensity of the times it’s so easy to feel overwhelmed and want to bury our heads in the sand. But the reality is that the world HASN’T been working in the favor of MANY groups of people for a long time, and definitely hasn’t been working in tandem with Nature.
We are being presented with everything that NEEDS TO GO and it’s up to each of us to transform our inner realities, accept our initiations and bring forth our gifts to the world. In order for us to be able to create lasting changes that are more aligned with our true identity and more aligned with nature, we have to begin with ourselves.
For those who are experiencing a lot of transition, change or feelings of anxiety and overwhelm with the state of the world, it’s common to feel disembodied, disassociated and therefore disempowered. Our minds, as brilliant and necessary as they are, often take us on many trips; some are joyful fantasies and desires, and others are full of fear and worry. Either way, these trips take us out of our bodies, out of the present moment, making it much more difficult to show up in the world as powerful force of justice and healing.
So this is an invitation to take some time today to slow down and connect with your body, emotions and make space for pleasure. Pleasure is a potent medicine that can facilitate the type of deep transformation and empowerment needed on the planet. How can you provide your body with pleasure that will fuel you with the feelings of love, abundance and safety that you can then share with others?
Are there places in your body that feel shut down or closed off to pleasure? If so, you can relax in a comfortable position, rest your hands on those areas and ask them what they need to feel safe and supported. In these quiet moments of connection, we are inviting our bodies to release whatever is no longer serving us, in order to help us set new standards for ourselves and to make room for even more pleasure and joy in our lives.
Other pleasurable ways of tuning into the body are through dance, breath work, massage, gentle yoga, enjoying a nice meal, spending time in nature and exploring our senses and sexuality! As we partake in these enjoyable practices, reclaiming pleasure as our human birthright and using our empowerment to help defend and uplift others, we are grounding in a healthier and more balanced way of being on the planet that will allow us to rebuild more evolved systems rooted in equality, respect and abundance for all.#thrivenotsurvive